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Asst. Prof. Dr. Sedat LAÇİNER*
Review of ARMENIAN STUDIES, Number 1, Volume 1 - 2002

 .Yöng>Recent Turkish and English Publications on Armenia, Armenian Issue and Caucasian Politics

2023 Dergisi / Journal of 2023.
Nisan, Ermeni Sorunu Özel Say?s? (April, Armenian Problem Special Issue, in Turkish), 15
Nisan — April 2002, No. 12.
Some of the articles:
Ya?ar KALAFAT and Mahmut Niyazi SEZG?N, “Albanlar Tarihi Ve Ermeni Kültür Stratejisi” (The Albanians, History and the Armenian Cultural Strategy), pp. 16-25. Interview with Ömer E. LÜTEM, the head of the Institute for Armenian Research: “Ermenistan ?unun Fark?nda De?il: Bir Ülkenin Toprak Bütünlü?ünü Tan?mazsan?z, O Ülke ?le Diplomatik ?li?ki Kuramazs?n?z” (Armenia Must Know That If You Do not Recognize a Country’s Territorial Integrity, You Cannot Establish Diplomatic Relations With That Country), pp. 26-29. Cemalettin TA?KIRAN, “Karaba? Meselesi” (The Karabakh Issue), pp. 36-41. Kamer KASIM, “Diasporan?n Ermenistan D?? Politikas?na Etkisi” (The Impact of the Armenian Diaspora On Armenian Foreign Policy), pp. 42-46. ?enol KANTARCI, “Amerikal? Misyonerlerin Osmanl? Topraklanndaki Faaliyetten” (The Activities of the American Missionaries in the Ottoman Territories), pp. 48-54. Sedat LAÇ?NER, “Ermeni Kimlik Bunal?m? Ve Güç Politikalar?n?n Bir Ürünü Olarak Ermeni Sorunu” (The Armenian Problem As A Result Of The Armenian Identity Crises And The Power Politics), pp. 56-6 1. ?brahim KAYA, “Ermenilerin Yahudi Soyk?r?m?yla Benzerlik Kurma Stratejisi” (The Armenian Strategy To Make Parallels With The Jewish Holocaust), pp. 62-65. Hatem HALFEO?LU, “Rusya’da Ermeni Diasporas? Olu?umu Ve Faaliyetleri” (The Armenian Diaspora in Russia, Evolution and Activities), pp. 66-75.

Armenian Question. Allegations And Facts.
Biltek Press, forthcoming (in English).

Atatürk ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Konusunda Yurtd???nda Yay?nlanm?? Kitaplar Bibliyografyas? /
Atatürk and the Turkish Kepublic: Bibliography of Books Published Abroad.
Atatürk Ara?t?rma Merkezi.
Ankara: Atatürk Ara?t?rma Merkezi, 2000. 885 pages. Index.

As?ls?z Ermeni ?ddialar? Ve Ermenilerin Türklere Yapt?ktan Mezalim.
(Unfounded Armenian Allegations And The Atrocities That Had Been Perpetrated Towards The Turks By The Armenians, in Turkish)
?smet BINARK. Ankara: Ankara
Ticaret Odas? Yay?n?, No. 16, Nisan 2001. 328 sayfa / pages, ciltli / hardback + foto?raflar +
ar?iv belgeleri.
ISBN: 975-512-535-3.
Tel: 00903124174261 or 417 63 93.

Archive Documents About The Atrocities And Genocide Inflicted Upon Turks By Armenians.
Ismet B?NARK. Ankara: Board of Culture, Arts and Publications, Grand National Assembly of Turkey, No. 93, 2002. 156 pages + photos + archive documents.
ISBN: 975-7479-85-3.

Unfounded Armenian Allegations And The Atrocities That Had Been Perpetrated Towards The Turks By The Armenians.
Ismet B?NAKK. Ankara: Publication of the Ankara Chamber of Commerce, No: 16, March 2002. 332 pages, hardback + photos ± archive documents.
ISBN: 975-512-522-1.
Tel: 0090 312 425 2711.

Small Nations And Great Powers: A Study Of Ethnopolitical Conflict In The Caucasus.
Svante E. CORNELL. Curzon Publishers, January 2001. 479 pages. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0700711627

Sömürgecilik Tarihi I????nda Ermeni Sorunundaki Ç?kar Odaklar?.
(The Interest Groups in theArmenian Problem : In the Light of the History of Exploitation).
Gürbüz EVEREN. Ankara: Ümit Yay?nc?l?k, 2002. 294 pages.
ISBN: 975-8572-20-2.
Publisher: Ümit Yay?nc?l?k, Konur Sokak, No: 27 / 1, 06640, K?z?lay, Ankara, Turkey.
Tel: 0090 312 419 38 26.
Fax: 0090 312 417 56 68.

Orientalism And Empire: North Caucasus Mountain Peoples And The Georgian Frontier. 1845-1917.
Austin JERSILD. McGill-Queen University Press, May 2002, forthcoming. 272 pages. hardcover.
ISBN: 0773523286.

The Nagorno Karabakh Conflict, From Its Inception to the Peace Process.
Kamer KASIM. London, New York, Berlin and Ankara: Institute for Armenian Research Publication, 2001. 28 pages.

Armenian Diaspora in Australia, the United Kingdom and Germany.
Kamer KASIM, Sedat LAÇ?NER and Aydan ?YIGÜNGÖR.
London, New York, Berlin and Ankara: Institute for Armenian research Publications, December 2001. 78 pages + footnotes + photo.

Geçmi?ten Günümüze Ermeni Sorunu.
(The Armenian Issue, from The Past To Present).
?brahim KAYA, Kamer KASIM and Sedat LAÇ?NER. ?stanbul: Haliç University Press, 2002.
72 pages + photos ± footnotes.
Contents: ?brahim KAYA: “Soyk?r?m Kavram? ve Ermeni Iddialan: Kar??la?t?rmal? Hukuksal ve Siyasi Boyut” (The Genocide Concept and the Armenian Allegations: The Comparative Legal and Political Dimensions), pp. 1-23. Kamer KASIM: “Türkiye —Ermenistan ?li?kileri” (Turkey-Armenia Relations), pp. 24-35. Sedat LAÇ?NER: “Ermeni Propagandas? Ve Sinema” (The Armenian Propaganda And Cinema), pp. 36-72.
Publisher: Haliç University, Istanbul.
Tel: 0090 212 635 87 52.

The Armenian Issue and the Jews.
Sedat LAÇ?NER and ?brahim KAYA. London, New York, Berlin and Ankara: Institute for Armenian Research Publication, March 2002. 46 pages + footnotes + pictures.

Ararat, Sanatsal Ermeni Propagandas?.
(Ararat, The Artistic Armenian Propaganda). In Turkish.
Sedat LAÇINER and ?enol KANTARCI. Ankara: ASAM EREN Publication, 2002. 167 pages + footnotes ± bibliography + photos.
ISBN: 975-6769-47-5.
Publisher: Asam Ermeni Ara?t?rmalar? Enstitüsü / Institute for Armenian Research, Konrad Adenauer Caddesi, No. 61, Y?ld?z, Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey.
Tel: 0090 312 491 70 14.
Fax: 0090 312 491 70 13.
Web: and
Content: Sedat Laçiner, “Ermeni Propagandas?n?n Bir Arac? Olarak Sanat: Ararat Filmi Örnek Olay?” (Art As An Instrument Of The Armenian Propaganda: The Case Study of Ararat film), pp. 1-98. ?enol Kantarc?, “Ararat Filmi Senaryosundaki Tarihsel Olaylar?n ?ncelenmesi” (The Analysis Of the Historical Events In The Script Of The Ararat film), pp. 99-128. Azerbaijan: A Quest For Identity.
Charles Van Der Leeuw. Palgrave, July 2000. 256 pages.
ISBN: 0312219032.

Like One Family, The Armenians of Syracuse.
Arpena S. MESROBIAN. The Gomidas Institute. 257 pages + xviii + index.
ISBN: 0-9535191-1-2.
Publisher: Gomidas Institute Books, 100 Newfield Ave., Edison, NJ 08837.

Bir Rus Subay?n?n Kafkasya An?lar?.
(A Russian Soldier’s Caucasia Memoirs). In Turkish.
Feodor Feodoroviç TORNAU.
Ankara: Kafkas Derne?i.
Publisher: Kafkas Derne?i, ?enyuva Meriç Sokak, No. 44, Be?tepe, Ankara, Turkey.

Armenia, The Great Deception. Secrets of a “Christian” Terrorist State.
Samuel A. WEEMS.

Osmanl? Sa?l?k Hizmetlerinde Ermeniler Ve Surp P?rgiç Ermeni Hastanesi Tarihi.
(The Armenians in the Service of the Ottoman Medical Services and the History of the
Surp P?rgiç Hospital). In Turkish.
Arsen YARMAN. ?stanbul: Surp P?rgiç Ermeni Hastanesi Vakf? / The Foundation of the Surp
P?rgiç Armenian Hospital, 2002. 866 pages. 24,5 – 33 cm. hardback.
ISBN: 9759771101.

* -
- Review of ARMENIAN STUDIES, Number 1, Volume 1 - 2002
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